Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

[140107] BF Minwoo official Talk♪ Talk♪ update♥♥ (3)

B.F 민우: 안뇽 ㅇㅅㅇ

B.F Minwoo: Hello ㅇㅅㅇ

via: boyfriend_heree
cr: Bestfriend Indonesia

[140107] BF Minwoo Talk♪ Talk♪ update ♥♥ (2)

B.F 민우: 완전 빠르넹.. 와우 뭐해요?ㅋㅋ 

B.F Minwoo: You're really fast.. Wow, what are you doing? ㅋㅋ 

via: boyfriend_heree
cr: Bestfriend Indonesia

[140107] BF Minwoo`Talk Talk update♥♥

B.F 민우: 내 생각? 보프 생각? 거짓말.......ㅠ_ㅠ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ] 점심은 먹었어여? 

B.F Minwoo: Thinking of me? Thinking of Boyfriend? You lie.......ㅠ_ㅠ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ] have you eaten lunch?

via: Boyfriend_heree
cr: Bestfriend Indonesia

Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

[140102] Ilayda twitter update for Jeongmin birthday^^

Foto: 140102 Ilayda Twitter Updae

[trans] hari ulang tahun Appa Hello Baby Jeongmin. Mari berpesta bersama. Sudah setahun lamanya tapi terasa baru kemarin. Aku ingin melihat Appa Boyfriend. Hwaiting !!

정민아빠 생일 축하해요^^헬로베이비하면서 함께 파티했던게 엊그제 같은데 벌써 1년전이네요~보고싶어요^^보이프렌드아빠들 홧팅~♥

cr. aleyna_ilayda

^Hyo Byung^

정민아빠 생일 축하해요^^헬로베이비하면서 함께 파티했던게 엊그제 같은데 벌써 1년전이네요~보고싶어요^^보이프렌드아빠들 홧팅~♥

[Ind Trans]
Selamat ulang tahun Ayah Jeongmin^^ Mari berpesta bersama keluarga Hello Baby. Sudah setahun lamanya tapi terasa baru kemarin~ Aku rindu kalian^^ Ayah Boyfriend Hwaiting~♥

source: Ilayda official twitter
cr: aleyna_ilayda
trans: kiki_luthfiya
via: BF INA

[140102] BF Jeongmin Twitter update^^

[B.F정민]오늘 새벽에 베프들이 선물해준 깜짝 선물부터 하루가 마무리되는 지금까지! 베프때문에 너무 고맙고 또 고마워요..! 정말 좋은 음악으로 보답할게요 우리 곧 만나자♡

[BF Jeongmin] Earlier today i get surprise gift from Bestfriend who us finishing the day up now! Thak you again, so very thankful Bestfriend..! We'll pay you really good music, I'll see you soon ♡

Foto: 140102 Boyfriend Official Twitter Update - Jeongmin

[B.F정민] 오늘 새벽에 베프들이 선물해준 깜짝 선물부터 하루가 마무리되는 지금까지! 베프때문에 너무 고맙고 또 고마워요..! 정말 좋은 음악으로 보답할게요 우리 곧 만나자♡

Cr. G_Boyfriend

^Hyo Byung^

source: BF official Twitter
trans: kiki_luthfiya
via: Bestfriend Indonesia update

Jeongmin Cakes from Bestfriend ♡♡♡

This is some cake that given from Bestfriend arounf the world to support our Mirror Prince -Lee Jeongmin- ^^

Foto: 140102 XiangBaooooo's Birthday Cake Support for Jeongmin's 21st Birthday!

via. Boyfriend_heree

^Hyo Byung^

From: XiangBaoooooo

Foto: 140102 BoyfriendSister's present for Jeongmin's 21st Birthday! #21stBFJeongminDay

via. Boyfriend_heree

^Hyo Byung^

From: BoyfriendSister

Foto: 140102 boyfriend_0527's Birthday Cake Support for Jeongmin's 21st Birthday!

via. boyfriend_heree

^Hyo Byung^

From: boyfriend_0527

Foto: 140102 yo2ddang (940102com)'s Birthday Cake for Jeongmin's 21st Birthday!

via: Boyfriend_heree

^Hyo byung^

From: yo2ddang (940102 com)

source: Bestfriend update facebook

[140102] Boyfriend Jeongmin official Facebook update♡♡

[정민] 베프여러분들 고마워요! 항상 고맙고 또 미안한마음인데 얼른 좋은 음악으로 보답하겠습니다! 사랑해요♡

[JeongMin] Thank you so much Bestfriends, always grateful and sorry at the same time. Will come back to you guys with great music in the near future! Love you♡

source: Boyfriend Official Facebook

[140102] Staff Diary - Jeongmin Birthday^^

Foto: 140103 Staff Diary Jeongmin's birthday (1)

via. jeongmin_prince

^Hyo Byung^

Foto: 140103 Staff Diary Jeongmin's birthday (2)

via. jeongmin_prince

^Hyo Byung^

Foto: 140103 Staff Diary Jeongmin's birthday (3)

via. jeongmin_prince

^Hyo Byung^

Foto: 140103 Staff Diary Jeongmin's birthday (4)

via. jeongmin_prince

^Hyo Byung^

via: jeongmin_prince

[140102] Boyfriend Jeongmin official Weibo update♥

我今天生日, 谢谢你们♥ 

It's my birthday today, thank you

source: BF official Weibo
via: Boyfriend_heree

[140102] Boyfriend official Facebook update ♥ ♥

정민군의 생일을 축하합니다!

Happy Birthday, Jeongmin!

source: Boyfriend official facebook

[140102] Bestfriend Oficial Daum Cafe update~

Bestfriend official daum cafe update about our Mirror Prince, Lee Jeong Min. And then, Jeongmin was replied it :)

[Ori] [From. 정민♥]

[Eng Trans] [From. Jeongmin]

source: fancafe official
via: Boyfriend_heree

Kamis, 02 Januari 2014

Jeongmin Birthday Picture♥

That is edited picture from Bestfriend Indonesia to celebrate our Mirror Prince - Lee Jeongmin - 21st Birthday on 2014-01-02, Thrusday. Yes, this is just simple edited picture, but this is show up how much we love our Boyfriend!   


Rabu, 01 Januari 2014

[140101] BF Kwangmin Twitter update :)


[B.F 광민] 2014년 한해가 밝았습니다!! 짝짝! 모두 새해 다짐은 정하셨나요? 꼭 이루시길 바라며 보이프렌드 올 한해 더 많은 멋진 노래 들려 드리겠습니다! 새해 복 많이 받으세요♡♡

{Ind Trans}

[BF Kwangmin] Tahun gemilang 2014! Prok prok!
Apakah kalian sudah membuat harapan? Aku harap semuanya terwujud dan BOYFRIEND akan memperdengarkanmu lebih banyak lagi dan lebih keren di tahun ini!
Happy New Year ♡♡

source: @G_Boyfriend BF official twitter
cr: Bestfriend Indonesia
trans: hyeonjia

[140101] Donghyun Talk Talk update~

[Eng Trans]

[B.F Donghyun]
Oppa will be the representative of our dongsaengs^^
Our pretties, BF, our bestfriends, we really love you!!!!!
Happy happy happy happy new year ♡♡
Let's love more this year!!!!

source: BF Official daum cafe
cr: (2hyun+4min) for Girlfriend and BF INA
trans by: hyeonjia
© Sandal Melayang ♛
Maira Gall